Pathfinder Project

British Columbia



Pathfinder Project, B.C.

In August  2021 Belmont entered into an Option Agreement with Highrock Resources Ltd. for 75-per-cent interest in the property (NR 2021-08-31)

The 253.34 hectare Pathfinder Property, located in southern British Columbia, approximately 18 km north of Grand Forks, in the Greenwood Mining Division. The property covers a highly mineralized area at the northeastern edge of the Boundary Mining Camp; also known as the historically productive and larger Republic-Greenwood Gold District. Copper and gold mining in this camp dates back to the turn of the century.

The property is currently surrounded on 3 sides by claims held by Kinross Gold Corporation, the 5th largest gold producer in the world. Kinross is exploring for further gold deposits in order to provide feed material for their 2,000 tpd mill, which is currently on care and maintenance,  60kms to the south in Washington State.

The Little Bertha Mine

The property contains the past producing Little Bertha mine (1905) with a 40-foot shaft and 250 feet of tunneling.

From 1900 to 1939, 876 tonnes of ore were shipped from the Little Bertha mine. From this ore, 467 ounces of gold, 4,242 ounces of silver, 29 kilograms of copper and 391 kilograms of lead were recovered.

The Little Bertha veins range up to 2 metres in width. The estimated strike length of the vein is approximately 100 metres and is considered open in both directions. Local concentrations of sulphides were noted near the hanging wall contact.

Past Exploration

Sampling in 1996 yielded values of 26.81 g/t gold, 475.89 g/t tonne silver and approximately 1.5 per cent combined lead and zinc from a selected sample of sulphide-rich vein (Assessment Report 25993).

In 2010, Kingsman Resources Inc. released tellurium results for samples from low-grade dumps, rock piles and an erratic float boulder on the property. In the Bertha area, the highest values include sample 90829.12 with 85.79 grams per tonne gold and 315 parts per million tellurium (Press Release, Kingsman Resources Inc., March 12, 2010)

In R.C. Well’s December, 2000 report for Conlon Resources he states; “The gold-silver mineralization at Pathfinder has several features in common with the past producing mines in the Rossland mining camp, 60 km to the southeast. This camp was historically the 2nd largest BC gold producer. Sulfide-rich ores consisted of massive pyrrhotite-rich replacement “veins” averaging close to .5 ounces per ton (17.1g/T) gold, with significant Copper and Silver.”

He further reported….  ”The Pathfinder visit confirmed the high mineral potential of the property with polymctallic sulfide replacement, skarn and quartz vein settings”

“At the Pathfinder the results to date indicate that the mineralization is probably more extensive  than previously reported”

“Drilling in the 1980’s did not involve adequate sampling.

  • Core sections with 5 to 2.3 g/t gold values with associated copper up to 0.5% plus silver were missed.
  • The gold potential of ‘wallrocks’ with disseminated sulfides may not have been recognized during production early last century
  • Lastly siliceous areas proximal to cross-cutting dykes hold potential for much higher gold and copper grades. Sampling in 2000 returned gold values up to 9 g/t, 3.70% copper and 99 g/t silver.

A second area of gold mineralization lies 100 metres southeast of the Pathfinder workings and may be linked along a northwest trending dyke contact? This area produced gold values up to 5.88 g/t, has never been drill tested, and holds some potential for bulk tonnage gold zones

Belmont 2019 Sampling Program

On July 30, 2019 Belmont announced results from fifteen (15) surface rock samples from outcrops and old mine waste piles  and collected by Belmont’s contract geologist Bob Lane, P. Geo.

The mapping and sampling program verified the presence of multiple zones of quartz sulphide  vein and massive pyrite-pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite replacement/skarn mineralization that warrant follow-up.

On October 17, 2019 the Company announced additional assay results.

Very encouraging Gold, Silver, and Copper assay results were identified in all samples as well as one anomalous Cobalt value as seen in the table to the right:




B.C. Projects